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3000 N. Halsted St., Suite 709, Chicago, Illinois 60657


An overgrowth of gland tissue in the chest (gynecomastia) can make men self-conscious about their appearance, making it uncomfortable to wear fitted shirts, exercise at the gym, and go shirtless at the beach. In some cases, this overgrowth is caused by certain medications, supplements, or marijuana use. Rarely, it is from a hormone-secreting tumor or an endocrine condition. In many cases, it results from excessive fat deposits in the chest (pseudogynecomastia).

Regardless of its cause, gynecomastia can be treated by removal of the glandular tissue, often in combination with liposuction.

Reshaping the chest can help men feel less self-conscious about their appearance, making it more enjoyable to be active, go shirtless, and wear fitted clothing.


The surgery takes about 2 hours, and is performed under general anesthesia at an outpatient surgery center. Local anesthetic blocks are given during surgery to control postoperative pain and to minimize the need for strong pain medicine afterwards. If liposuction is performed, tumescent solution is used to soften and numb the fat to be removed. Drains may be used to help control swelling after surgery. Dissolvable sutures are used to close the incisions. The patient is dressed into compression vest before waking from anesthesia. After a 1-2 hour period of recovery, the patient is discharged to continue recovery at home.


Most chest surgery is done as outpatient surgery, with all recovery done at home. You will wear a compression vest 24/7 for the first two weeks, and will gradually it them less and less as the weeks pass. Full return to most physical activity happens around six weeks, including chest exercises. Most patients feel “back to themselves” at around 2 weeks, but may feel more tired than usual for the first month after surgery. If feeling well, people can usually return to desk work within a week. While you will see a difference right after surgery, the final results are appreciated at 6 months after the surgery.

Each person’s priorities and aesthetics are unique. Dr. Shore will spend time talking with you, listening to your goals and wishes, in order to make your vision a reality.


Dr. Shore designs each male chest surgery with a respect for individual anatomy, keeping your aesthetic vision and goals in mind. Combining surgical skill with the latest in advanced techniques, Dr. Shore is dedicated to helping your vision become a reality.

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