Non-Binary Top Surgery
Sometimes the goal of top surgery is not to masculinize the chest. Many folks desire a significantly smaller chest without going completely flat.
I think of chest reduction as a spectrum, with cis-feminine breast reduction at one end and masculinizing top surgery at the other. Non-flat top surgery falls somewhere in the middle, and each surgery design takes into account:
• Volume
• Degree of Ptosis (tissue sag)
• Nipple Size, Shape, Position
• Scar Position and Shape
• Lateral Chest Fullness
What matters to each person will vary, so determining the final aesthetic comes from discussions with Dr. Shore, including reviews of photographs and drawings, to guide you through the decision-making process.
• Degree of Ptosis (tissue sag)
• Nipple Size, Shape, Position
• Scar Position and Shape
• Lateral Chest Fullness